Configure AutoCapture for Flow Errors

Among many other things, SightLane Auto Capture identifies and processes all unhandled Apex and Flow errors and automatically builds logs with relevant error information. To configure this tool, follow the three-step process below. Once the steps are completed, Error logs will start showing up like magic!

Step 0 - SightLane Email Services

Good news! As of our latest release (3.48), the first step in the process is done for you! The SightLane installer automatically creates two new Email Services, as shown below. To see them, go to Setup -> Email Services. These two services handle inbound email-based content (not just Flow Errors) and feed that content directly into SightLane monitors.  Click the "Email Service Name" column to retrieve the generated email addresses.

Step 1 - Update Process Automation Settings

Now that you have an email service to handle error content, it's time to tell Salesforce to send you those errors. Go to Setup -> Process Automation Settings, scroll down to find the Send Process or Flow Error Email to setting, and select Apex Exception Email Recipients. Once that's done, you will have one source for all your unhandled Apex and Flow errors!


Step 2 - Update the Apex Exceptions Email List

The last thing to do is to add the SightLane Email Service address to the list of addresses that will receive system emails from Salesforce.  Go to Setup -> Apex Exception Email.  In the ExternalEmailAddresses section, add the email address generated for the "ReportFailureToSightLane" Email Service.  

Pro Tip: Salesforce-generated Email Service addresses are intentionally long and ugly.  For example,  It may be helpful (though not necessary) to work with your email technology team to create a simpler alias for this email address, as shown above.

And that's it! Those two (and a half) steps mean that Unhandled Flow and Apex errors in the platform will automatically be captured and organized for you.  No more managing Flow errors from your Email Inbox!  Plus, you can now view their history, add automated responses to errors, and get notified in any way you wish!  


If you have any issues with any of these steps, reach out to us at

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